Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ascending To Someplace

Why yes, I have been off the grid. A family member was diagnosed with a problem and then had to have that problem excised clear from their body. This after what can only be called the detonation of my entire life, which, by the way, I am grateful for. Gratitude is essential to life.

Before going into the hospital this family member said that irrespective of the rubble that is my life, I seem happier now than ever. This is true. I am happy because I have been liberated from things. I don't mean people or even circumstances --- I have been liberated in my mind from preconceived notions of what ought to be. Who I am. I am precisely as I present in this moment and I am fine with that. Sure, I seek to better myself or ascend, but right now beneath blankets and at the very first flash of dawn, I feel better already. I have ascended to someplace, some wonderfully neutral place, and I am grateful.

Fruit smoothie, emphasis on blueberries.

Vegetable sandwich on sprouted grain bread: romas, cucumbers, spinach, hummus.

Salad: spinach, bleu cheese, raw pecans, dressed with cold pressed EVOO, balsamic and agave nectar.